None other than our own Guadalupe!
Here's a photo of my former housekeeper, and now, hostess and head chef of the Motel Desert Lodge, as featured in last weeks, "Death Valley Times". Way to go, 'Lupe!
I've been very busy lately. Eric Stillman and his wife have been staying with us for the past few weeks while he is filming his latest opus, "Dust Rats" in Barstow. Luckily he has had weekends off and has assisted me in refurbishing the motel's pool area.
We worked our asses off and now the pool and spa are worthy of guests!
And a big thank you to Mrs. Stillman who aside from her fabulous gardening tips, and taking care of the iguanas in the petting zoo; has also been tutoring Guadalupe for her citizenship test.

Stillman thinks that I should call the old crowd from Hollywood to christen the place after all of the renovations are done, but I don't know if I'm ready to see that crew again.
Hank has sent me several telegrams (since cell phone service is a bit hit or miss out here) begging me to come home. I just wired him and told him that if he really misses me, he can come out here ... I sent him a map.
Well, that's all for now. We have a bar-mitzvah to host tonight, and before that I have to run one of the iguanas over to the vet in Devil's Hole because it has some kind of scale infection.
Well gang, that's all for now!