Seasons Greetings From Sunny Hollywood!
Been so busy this past week, and we've been hosting a few house guests so things have been hectic to say the least...where to begin?
Faye Dunaway's Christmas Eve party.
Like always Faye outdid herself with this bash, Hank and I arrived around eight and had to park our car three blocks away and walk to Casa Dunaway. Upon arriving at her house, the artificial snow machines were going full blast turning her lawn and garden into a virtual winter wonderland; automated wooden soldiers marched back and forth across the promenade which was decorated with imported Vermont holly and evergreens, and a choir of fifty singers dressed in Dickensian garb stood by the front door greeting each guest with Christmas carols.
Inside, the hostess, dressed in a red velvet Channel original with a plunging neck line swept over to us and gave us both air kisses and proclaimed, "Darling boys, please into the ball-room with you both! EVERYONE is here and it's complete holiday madness!"

"Matt, did you fall off the wagon again?" I asked. He just looked at me with those puppy dog eyes of his and said, "Sorry, Anderson Cooper won't return my calls..." While he blathered I called Ramon on the cell and asked him to come and collect Perry and to keep him away from the liquor cabinet... that squared away, I took Hank's arm and we mingled...
...On the patio, a huge Bill O'Reily pinata hung and I watched as a blindfolded George Clooney beat at that thing until it burst spilling out loofah sponges...Portia de Rossi was dancing with Ellen Degeneres in the ball room ... Jenifer Anniston and Vince Vaughn were roaring drunk on a sofa as they discussed china patterns - good luck, kids ... Doris Roberts, true to form, was passed out at the doorway of the downstairs powder room, Hank and I tried to move her, but she had a death grip on a bottle of Muscatel and the other hand held on to the door jam for dear life...
When Hank and I went out to the veranda to get some air we noticed some guy dressed in a poncho and sombrero lurking near the barbecue pit. Hank was about to call 911 as well as the Border Patrol when I stopped him, "Wait a second, I'd know that gait anywhere!", and with that the poncho wearing guest came from the shadows and said, "Baxter, old fellow! Man, I am in way over my head..." It was Eric Stillman.
We hustled him into the pool house to keep anyone else from seeing him. Word is all over tinsel town about Stillman running afoul of the mob, and then getting in deep with some Colombian drug cartel while in Mexico while shooting El Grande Supra!
Hank found a Santa Claus suit and tossed it to him, "Put this on, and try to be as unobtrusive as you can, OK? We'll hide you out at our place."
Before the three of us went back into the party, Stillman produced the fattest joint I've seen since I was at one of Dennis Hopper's beach parties back in the late 70's. "This maryjane is primo, guys! Mexican! It'll make you see god!", he said firing up the joint - we smoked it and boy howdy, we had to support each other like a trio of drunken sailors back into the party.

Stillman, the ham-bone, was eating this up. He had a spray of mistletoe in his left hand raised up over Faye's head, and just as she was about to tear the beard from his face, revealing his true identity to all at the party, a voice boomed out from across the room;"¿Dónde la cogida es Eric Stillman? ¡Vamos a matarle!" (which loosely translated means, Where the fuck is Eric Stillman we are here to kill him).
I turned and saw a group of Colombian men, all the size of small gorillas, and just as one of them reached into his jacket for a gun, Dunaway rose from Santa's lap and howled, "Raoul, Is that you, ya' lousy wetback! You screwed my beautiful lawn up with your two-bit gardening service! I called the I.N.S.!!! Don't fuck with me, Compañeros!!!"
The Columbians high-tailed for the door, but so did the guests, in fact it soon became total bedlam. I was looking around trying to find Hank and Eric when I saw the LAPD come storming in through the patio doors. I felt a hand reach out and yank me; It was Hank and he said, "Come on Dex, let's get out of here!"
We dashed through a doorway and found our way into the garage and there was Stillman, still in his Santa drag making out with Liza Minnelli. "Say fellows", he said wiping Liza's ruby red lipstick from his face, "She's had several gay husbands, I've had several lesbian girlfriends, we are soul-mates!" We did not wait around and hustled him out of the garage as Liza cried out, "Santa don't leave, I know a great lawyer!!!"
The three of us charged down Mulholland Drive to the car whooping and yelping like madcap college kids after a panty raid.
Back home, I set up Stillman in the attic and told him to lay low until I can figure this all out, and whatever he did, not to call Liza!
Later on having Eric stashed away safely and checking in on Matt Perry who was sawing wood in the guest house, we changed and then went to The Sheldrake Room for the annual Xmas Eve party.

Ah Hollywood, the real city of Brotherly Love!
Christmas Morning.I woke to the sound of screams coming from the kitchen. I jumped up from bed and dashed down to find Guadalupe in a tizzy standing in front of the refrigerator holding the holiday ham in her hands and saying, "Mister Dexter, Look, something ate this, tore this meat like the demon! I think the Chupacabra has found us, Madre Mia..." When she finally calmed down I told her that we had a few guests staying and that it was obvious that Mr. Stillman must have had a midnight snack.
"El Grande Supra is here?" she said suddenly going from hysterical to coquettish, "He is so handsome, Mister Dexter".
"Guadalupe, are you blushing?" I asked laughing. And handed over a check with a hefty holiday bonus to my sterling house keeper, "Here, Merry Christmas, take the rest of the day off".
Later that morning Hank and I exchanged gifts. I handed him the keys to his Benz which was parked in the driveway covered in a huge red bow, and Mr. Man told me to close my eyes as he led me to the garage and showed me what he'd bought me; a refurbished, 57 Bel Air. I can't wait to open that baby up on the PCH!
We took coffee in the den and were joined by Stillman who gave us both a couple of boxes of Cuban cigars and a couple of pounds of that pot we'd enjoyed last night. Then Matt stumbled in and shocked us all by bestowing a complete line of Haines t-shirts and underwear for the three of us...
Yes, it was a memory filled couple of days, but it was nice to relax with friends and loved ones and enjoy a stress free Christmas...now it's about two AM the day after Xmas and I am reading this fascinating script idea that Stillman handed over; all about this c-list actor and his misadventures with lesbians and drug cartels - it sucks! And it's going to make millions; Liza Minnelli has promised to put up the money for production costs...
...god bless us everyone.
So sorry about breaking up Faye's party early. Apologize to Hank for me. You are a true pal Dex for stashing me. Talked to Liza, who is giving me a rather modest budget of 125 million dollars for the movie. I tried to tell her it wasn't an indie but she wouldn't cough up any more cash. I have also decided on a title THE ADVENDURES OF EL SUPRA VON MUNCHOUSEN. Also, if you run into Liza put in a good word for me. Tell her about all the stunt shit I did. Thanks.
dex honey! so glad to hear you are doing so well! and about that jason bateman, i should tell you, the only reason he hangs at the sheldrake is because he keeps hoping to bump into me. been after me since i used to run with kristy back in '82. christ, one little ménage à trois and the boy still keeps comin' after me! he only married paul anka's daughter to make me jealous. as if. but i did go to the wedding and slink off to the wine cellar for a brief rendevous with balthazar getty. rumour has it that jason found out and was so distraught that he locked himself in the suite's bathroom and was heard crying from three doors down! poor bastard. perhaps it's time i give him a call and put an end to another 'happy' hollywood marriage....after all, it's what i'm best at!
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