Yes, Eric Stillman's quickie action flick shot south of the border is the critic's darling this year...word is that a Golden Globe will be hoisted on the Mexican Superhero flick tomorrow night as well...the phone's been ringing off the hook here with people trying to get an interview with the elusive star of the epic ... Paramount is in a bidding war with FOX over the American rights as they want to re-film it with Hugh Jackman in the lead ... Disney wants to turn it into an animated feature... and Hasbro toys sent a rep over to do a body cast on Stillman so that they can get out some action figures that McDonald's will give away with Happy Meals when the film goes into general release!
I managed to get my lawyer, Saul Rabinowitz, to represent Stillman in his host of legal problems; so far things seem to be going smooth, the only fly in the ointment is that damn Colombian Drug Cartel - my maid, Guadalupe, says that she has some connections and, provided I set her up on a date with Stillman, she'll be able to stop anything bad from happening by placing two phone calls to Mexico City... (so guess who Stillman will be taking to the awards show tomorrow?) -- frankly I think the whole thing will go swimmingly provided I manage to keep Liza Minnelli out of the loop (damn but Liza is cuckoo for the S Man!).
In other news, I've been busier than Lindsay Lohan's coke dealer... between juggling Stillman's legal problems and Matthew Perry's drinking binges (I know, but he's a good guy, and I am a loyal kind of guy, so what are ya' gonna do?), I've also been hard at work on the new Ben Affleck script; it's a bio-pic about the life of Andy Warhol -- I mean, who comes up with this crap? -- But Ben is committed and is losing about fifty pounds, will shave his head, and wear a white fright wig for the part...Also, I've been in contact with Sonia Braga who has a script that she is just gaga over; she's going to play a woman who lives in a large North Eastern City who is a loving mother and housewife by day, and a sexy, poet spouting hell raiser by night...I think this property is the money, baby!
Had lunch today with Meryl Streep at The Derby and she was going on and on about her latest film, and If if wasn't a gentleman I'd have made some kind of excuse and left her at her table, but that's showbiz. I politely sat, while nibbling mini crab cakes with mango salsa, and pretended to be interested in her new movie (a musical about Trenton New Jersey tentatively titled, "The World Takes!". No body is going to see this turkey, but it sure will garner a boat-load of awards, count on that ... after lunch I bumped in to Tom Arnold (now here's a clown who lucked out big time), and we discussed the passing of Shelly Winters...Tom was late for his meeting at Over Eaters Anonymous so we cut our chat short...driving down Sunset,
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