Rosie from Encino writes,
Dear Dex,
It's your life. do you have to pinch yourself sometimes?
I got little red marks up and down my arm, babe!
Call me, we'll do lunch!
Maid Ink of North Hollywood had this to say,
Dear Dex,
Is Doris going back to rehab any time soon? She might be able to get a discount rate if she shares a suite with Courtney Love.
Darling Maidy,
Don't know if Doris is going back in - last I heard even Betty Ford won't have her. Courtney told me she'd never a share a room with DB because DB stole all her cigarettes and broke her iPod the last time!
You're beautiful sweetheart, don't change for me!
Henrietta Hudson from Thousand Oaks claims,
Dear Dex,
I always knew Kirk's whole Christianity thing was bullshit! oh, and if it's not too much to ask, next time you high five Matt Dillon, could you be a dear and slip him my number? kisses!
Sweet Henny,
You must be an insider! Kirk's been playing that holy roller trip ever since he bombed in "The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes"; word has it that his "Way of the Master" church is a front for Colombian drug trafficking ... As for Matt; it's as good as done!
Kisses right back at ya!
And finally, Joey B. of Silverlake asks,
Dear Dex,
What is the deal with Johnny Depp only doing Tim Burton Films? Iheard a rumor that he lost a poker bet during a game with Latoya Jackson, Tim Robins, and Martha and the Donald, on the set of Edward Scissor Hands, when they made an improv trip to Vegas. Is there any connection?
Big Joey,
I have heard the same rumor. I have talked to all the parties involved and you know what they say "What happens in Vegas..." but I've got it on good authority that Latoya tried to welsh on her end of the deal, which would explain her stellar career! I'll see Tim Robbins this weekend and try and pump him for answers again.
Love to Mary Jo, bro!

This afternoon, I locked myself in my office and went to work on the Julia Roberts script. Tore out about fifty pages of bothersome dialogue, replaced it with top forty soundtrack tunes and montages, added three explosions, a car accident and a couple of scenes of Will Smith in the shower ... took a call from Queen Latifah, she still wants to know if I'll be the head writer on her new sit-com, did not give her answer but told her I'd sleep on it ...
1 comment:
i can't think of a dialogue in the world that can't be improved by a top-40 soundtrack and montages in its place. bravo dex.
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