Have you ever swum in a pool with Matthew McConaughey? Well, I have ... the guy can not keep his swim trunks on...
Hosted a little pool party yesterday afternoon and People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive showed up ... and like always, he brought his bongos and his stash of weed; the guy was toked and stoked and pretty much the life of the party...Barbara Streisand and James Brolin were the first to arrive and Babs looked great (did you know she travels with her own personal lighting guy at all times?), once she got situated on a chaise lounge in the shade ... Brolin (who looks even better now than he did when he was in his 20's) manned the barbecue - my god that silver haired devil makes a mean burger! Carrie Fisher showed up with Penny Marshall and the girls went ga-ga over Babs, fetching her drinks, bringing her food, touching up her make up ... McConaughey came with fellow party-boy, Anderson Cooper ... Cooper's such a sweet guy, he brought a case of Frito's and five bags of hot-dog buns ... Tyra Banks also showed up and unfortunately got into a little tiff with another guest, Faye Dunaway; Faye had been tossing back hi-balls and when she set eyes on the host of "America's Next Model",she proclaimed loud enough for the other guests to hear, "Darling, the fat suit stunt was pathetic ... you looked like the Uniroyal tire man!" and then she flung her Virginia Slim's menthol at her just missing her left eye ... luckily, Guadalupe's son, Ramon (who was bar-tending) separated the ladies and no real harm came to anyone ... As I was sitting by the pool chatting up Eric Roberts, McConaughey came up behind me and said in his thick Texan drawl, "Baxter, how's that water, son?" and the next thing I knew I was in the deep end courtesy of my guest ... it took about two minutes of playing "Marco Polo" for his trunks to float up on the surface...when Dunaway saw this she cried out, "Darling, Matthew, come in to the shallow end so I can get a better look!!!"
Toweling off, I had a few moments to talk with Babs - she says she is considering a follow-up to "Meet the Fockers", tentatively titled, "Mother Focker"; "Honey, I'll do it as long as that putz, Stiller is not involved - how did that kid get such a big carreer?"... I was about to answer when I heard a scream and saw that Dunaway had put a cigarette out on the head of Tyra Banks who was sitting in a lawn chair by the bar ... Once more, Ramon separated the ladies and things calmed down ... was enjoying some fabulous potato salad that Penny Marshall had made when I caught sight of Anderson Cooper coming out of the guest house with Matthew Perry - I think they'd make a nice couple, made a mental note to encourage this relationship ... Hank called so I passed around the phone so he could say hi to everyone. He's coming home on Tuesday and then we have to get our Turkey Day plans solidifed ...
Around dusk, an impromptu conga line started with a naked McConaughey and his bongos, leading the line; Dunway had his hips in a death grip and the other guests followed behind her as we congaed around the pool to 'Hot Hot Hot' - it was all so retro in a 1980's meets the Swinging 60's kind of way...
Later on, with most of the guests gone, I found that Cooper and Perry had taken off for that very same hotel that Stillman and Drea went to the other day ... Guadalupe had done a marvelous job of cleaning up the patio ... Carrie and Penny were the last two guests (or so I thought) to leave; Ramon informed me that McConaughey and Dunaway left together (you read it here first!) and that everyone else was gone so he was leaving for the night ... was about to go to my office when a deep voice called out from the living room, "Dex"; it was James Brolin, "I sent the little woman home, she's got a headache; can you stand a little company?"
I fired up the hot tub and got out a box of good Cuban cigars...later on, as we relaxed, Brolin said, "Do you remember that party back in , oh what was it, 82 or 83, me and you and Eric Roberts ...wasn't that your first time at the Sheldrake room?" and we smoked and reminised while the lights of L.A. glowed up at us from the valley below...
1 comment:
dex, darling! my, that hot tub story reminded me of that night at the sheldrake back in '82! i was there with kristy mcnichol and wow! what a night! i believe that's when you & i first met? wasn't it you that caught kristy doing lines off the urinal in the men's room? oh, wait. that was me. oh, well, it was 80s, right! alls been forgiven! til next we meet~kisses!
ps~finally got a hold of aunt barbra-we're due for lunch on friday.
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