Before I start, I just want everyone to know that Matthew Perry is doing great. He fell off the wagon for a time there, but things are looking up for our favorite "Friend" -- maybe you've seen his Haines Spot with Michael Jordan...well, those checks have been rolling in as well as the residuals from his old sit com so anyone that says, "Money can't be happiness" might be right, but it sure helps regaining ones sobriety.
Hank got back from Canada on Tuesday and we decided to order out for Thanksgiving and have a few of the "Hollywood Bachelors" over for a little dinner. Guadalupe had the day off so I had to hire a few servers and bartenders for our little soiree ... also, had to take a run to Albertson's on Sunset Blvd and pick up a couple of cans of whole cranberry sauce ... bumped into Brandon Frasier and his wife who were fetching a pre-cooked

Also saw Joan Rivers and her daughter shopping for Popsicle sticks, "Binge and purge, Missy!" Rivers was screeching as they made their way, "You can't afford to gain any weight with awards season coming up!!!" -- Poor Melisa, the kid must weigh all of sixty pounds these days ... Melanie Griffith looked fab as she led her kids down the frozen foods aisle, when she saw me she waved me over and said she was heading out to Aspen for a little reunion with Don Johnson while Antonio is in Spain working on a film ... in the check out cue I saw Benjamin Bratt looking into a mirror checking himself out, he looked over and smiled and waved and then went back to his doppelganger, self absorbed narcissist that he is (I knew him way back when, before the face-lifts, the liposuction and the hair plugs; unbelievable twit, that one).
When I got home I saw that that the spread had been set by the staff we hired ... Hank was in the garden smoking a Cuban and I joined him and he gave me a little wrapped box which I opened to reveal a 18K Solid Gold i830 cell phone! I was so happy I flipped, "You can't believe what I went through to get you that", he told me smiling.

Hank and Eric enjoyed a couple of pomegranate martinis, while I sipped some club soda and we discussed life for a bit, just then the door bell rang and Greg Kinnear and Matt Damon showed up. You won't read this in any gossip mag, but I am here to tell you the truth: Matt and Greg have been inseparable since they met at the Bally's in North Hollywood the day after Halloween; while the two had worked together in the past, these days once could say they really are stuck on each other. Frankly I am happy for Damon, ever since Affleck dumped him, the guy has been a wreck...yeah, yeah, I know, Kinnear is supposed to be married and Damon is seeing some woman...come on people, get with the program, this is Hollywood, and their are more beards in this town than at an Amish barn raising!
Dinner was sublime and afterwords we repaired to the hot tub for coffee and after

1 comment:
F you guys, it is slip pickins' but Drea and I our for real. We are thinking of Summer, 2008. We are thinking about having the reception at a Villa outside of Amalfi, where Jackie O once stayed. Venician Sunrises for all!!! Hopa!!!
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