Bets are being made all through tinsel town today as to when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will tie the knot; some say it will be any minute now, while others are claiming that it is has already occurred. Whatever the case, I have a Champ HP3 Blender wrapped and ready to ship when the announcement becomes official...
How about them crazy kids? Jolie, no doubt, is one of the hottest broads to grace the silver screen since Liz Taylor slinked across it in her white bra and slip in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"; the fact that she took Pitt away from the gorgeous Jennifer Aniston makes her the new Liz and leaves Jen as this generation's Debbie Reynolds I suppose...
As for Mr. Pitt. What I can I tell you America? He's lived the American Dream.

Was I right?
Things have been busy around here lately, plus I was laid up with a stomach flu for a few days; meanwhile Hank's been at the studio doing a slew of voice work for some up-coming episodes of "The Simpson's"... Guadalupe's son, Ramon, ran over to Paramount and picked up the scripts that I was working on which included a come-back picture for Whitney Houston called, "A Mother's Love", which, if you can believe it, is a re-make of "Mildred Pierce"!! Brandy is supposed to play her obnoxious daughter ... let me tell you this thing stinks to high heaven, it will probably make box-office history! Carrie Fisher called me this morning with the news that Doris Roberts was arrested for a drunk and disorderly outside of The Vista theater on Sunset Blvd last night...Woody Allen stopped over last night and I was thrilled to see him (some of you might recall that Mr. Man worked for Allen in "Celebrity")...anyway, Allen was in town celebrating his 70th birthday at a Lakers game and dropped off a quart of chicken soup he'd brought all the way from Katz's Delicatessen in Manhattan, "It's good for what ails ya!" he told me as he left to go pick up the little woman who was spending the day at Disneyland...Matt LeBlanc is said to be very angry over NBC pulling his sit-com, "Joey" off of it's Thursday night line up; called my pal Eric Stillman (who as you may recall has announced his engagement to "Joey" co-star Drea de Matteo, but I still can't get through to him. Last I heard he and Drea were somewhere in Greece scouting nuptial locations!
Felt much better on Saturday and went for a brief jog this morning, passed Faye Dunaway's house which is being readied for her annual Christmas Ball. Snow making machines are hidden behind monolithic faux igloos, while a seventy seven foot high Aspen pine decorated with Tiffany ornaments and six thousand strands of imported Italian lighting was flanked by six imported Bavarian snowmen... saw Dunaway on the south lawn of her place raising hell with the one of the workers who were installing a replica of Grand Central Station complete with a working miniature rail road; "Look, fella, if you can't do it right then go back to where ever the hell you came from!!" With that she caught site of me and called out, "Dex darling! Your invitation is in the mail!"... passed Matt Dillon who was running in the opposite direction, high-fived him as he called out, "How they hanging, Baxter?"...saw Phil Spector standing on his roof with a high-powered rifle, thought it best to take a short cut, across Billy Campbell's lawn and managed not to set off his alarm system...
Got home and took a call from Hank who said we have a couple of passes to see

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